Saturday, May 23, 2015

Ex Machina (2015) - A Bleak Tale of Playing God.

Written and Directed by Alex Garland (Dredd, Sunshine)
Alicia Vikander
Domhnall Gleeson (Dredd)
Oscar Isaac (Drive)

Garland's directorial debut is the mechanical offspring of “Under the Skin” (2014) and “Jurassic Park” (1993). It manages to be suspenseful and thrilling, gently littered with gorgeously rendered effects while swathed in a solitary alienness.

The story and subject matter (artificial intelligence) is skillfully handled by Garland. He shows his talent as a sci-fi savant by coherently playing with futuristic and idealic technologies. The risqué and passively erotic denouement, whose build-up manages to be both thematically haunting and visually exquisite, ultimately leaves you cold.

I'll forgive the film for it's inaccuracy with portraying human blood on the grounds that I have also never been successful in replicating it. That said, it shouldn't look like cough syrup. Come on, Garland, go watch "Brothers Bloom." 

A detail that must be mentioned is that house. Such an incredible abode carved into a mountain. Surpassed only by the hyper-practicality of the “Gone Girl” (2014) house, it is definitely one of the best fictional dwellings ever created.

Another plus for the film is the tiny cast's dynamic chemistry. Vikander is chilling in her calmness, much like Scarlett Johansson in ''Under the Skin." Issac sports what I would dub as an uncomfortable beard and a menacingly casual wardrobe. You are always on edge during his every interaction with Gleeson. The two actor’s display here bodes well for their next team up, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

Ex Machina” has an intimate core that is carried in a genuinely meaningful direction but the inhumanity of each character leave a bitter aftertaste. It’s not a perfect movie but it is a decent one. Technically it is the least entertaining movie I’ve seen all year.

(No more numbered ratings, DEAL WITH IT! Instead, I proudly present the post by post rankdown with asterisk assist! Asterisks (up to four) represent replay value and level of instant classicality. Everything else is annually relative and highly subjective. HERE WE GOOOOO...)

2015 Rankdown:

1.       Kingsman: The Secret Service****
2.       Predestination*
3.       Run All Night*
4.       Ex Machina

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